
Tolerance and Freedom: Hu Shih’s Anthology

Hu Shih and Chen Du-Xiu advocated science and democracy and promoted a new cultural movement. However, the May 4th movement propelled the cultural activity to the peak and made a huge progress of science and education in China.

The May 4th movement in 1919 is an important event in the Chinese history in 20th Century. There are more than 3000 students demonstrating in the street in Beijing.

This book collects and classifies Hu Shih’s philosophy, the pith and marrow of his articles and speeches, connecting with Taiwan’s national status quo.

Senhor Embaixador

This book is one of the famous long Fictions from contemporary Brazilian writer, Erico Verissimo. Ever since the Fiction had been published from 1965, it is always the all-time favorite Fiction on the chart and has been republished for 13 times just in the city where Verissimo lives. After absorbing all the attention in literature and publishing industry, it is further translated into Portuguese, Spanish, German, Italian and Russian etc. 

Vajra Sutra & Heart Sutra

 ‘If you can only bring a book with you when the apocalypse is approaching, I would love to carry Vajra Sutra & Heart Sutra till the end of the world’.

The Heart of Prajna Paramita Sutra translated by Master Xuan Zang in Tang Dynasty has the most refining language and the most understandable ideology in all of the Buddhism classics. Through Master Hong Yi’s explanation, readers may conceive and perceive the wisdom and oracles in the Heart Sutra.


Akabo’s plot lies in the period between Japanese colonization to KMT government. Five political oppressed victims underwent through those huge historical events, such as the incident of Er-Er-Ba (February 28th), White Terror and the martial law etc. In the plot, the narrators recall the education they took, movements and turning points in the past. By narrating the memorable moments in their lives and learning from the historical experiences, Akabo enables all the readers reconsider the status quo and future of Taiwan.

Which side are you on?

The person, who is in different historical periods, may be left-wing or right –wing belief because of way he sees the world. However, we have learned from the history: A person who is under severe political pressure and temptation, he can swift from the "Left" to "Right" or another way around. The author spent decades engaging in interviews and surveys. His essays, his friends’ letters, the foreign literature, current events, and the landscape of Tibet, these all became his writing material and the source of inspiration.


This is the biography of 嚴秀峰Through the interviews, this book , wind, fire and smoke was sketched out the era, then touched the hearts of a story. Like the Fuchun River Battle, a pursuit Yen Hsiu-feng captain died, she walked alone desolate rural roads, small dim lamp in the night, relying on her own knitting, only piles of Wuhei intermediate body, identified his body. Those details, in fact, access to out bit by bit slowly. Personality rational control of Yen Hsiu-feng, in thin memories, the truth slowly to show their softer side.



The pictures were taken by Xuepei De (Barry Schuttler) who is a Presbyterian missionary. He came to Taiwan in 1960, to participate in the activities of helping the rural environment. Because of his passion for photography, he spent his leisure time shooting plenty photos of the landscape. He used his camera to capture the face of Taiwan. The photos show the rural life, farming, harvesting, women’s and children’s faces in Taiwan.
