
Love Wandering

“Love Wandering” is a road novel. It‘s about a desolate train journey of 7 days
and nights. The train carries travelers to the “Love Island”, which is a mythical
place where it’s rumored that people’s deepest wishes would come true.
During the long journey, travelers are unconsciously drawn into their
innermost dark holes, where they themselves are ignorant of their existence.
Will they have the courage to face their deepest selves?

People Who Tame the Words: The Memorandum of the Paper Books’ Ongoing Depression

This book contains firsthand interviews of publishers’ perspectives in life histories of a book, and their observations and responds to the depressions of publishing industry in Taiwan over decades. Readers would discover professional visions and efforts of all interviewed publishing houses/ publishers, and their possible developments in the future.

Brave New Prophecy

CNEX is a non-governmental organization formed by those who love documentary films in Great china.

In 2008, CNEX produced 10 documentary films with the topic, “Dream and Hope”. Across the ocean and involving with China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan, CNEX tried to embody the abstract concepts through touching the dream and hope between cities and country sides, sea side and the inland, youths and elders, past and then, culture and economy, tradition and contemporary, and soul and the material etc.


The man who led peasants - A short biography of Chien Chi

Chien-Chi is a disappearing name in the White Terror period. From an elementary school teacher to a peasant revolutionist with his violin, Chien-Chi is the initial leader of Taiwanese peasant revolution, starting the pages of civil rebel history.

Along with seeing Chien-Chi’s life in the book, we readers may also witness the situation in Taiwan before and after February 28th and further may get impressed by the social spirit.

Beijing 798 Art Zone

The author of this book interviewed the propeller of Beijing Da-Shan-Zi Art Festival and 798 Art Zone, Huang Rui, talking about the advantages of 798 and the difficulties they need to deal with in the future. Besides, the author also made marvelous conversation with the runners of international galleries, Chinese galleries, and the new Taiwanese galleries, focusing on their point of views toward 798 art zone’s future and how they view Chinese contemporary art.


Under the River

“Under the River” is the only prose written by Contemporary Chinese Contribution Award winner, Ye Fu. The poet, Yang Tu, described Ye Fu’s work, “in the articles discussing about politics, most of them are trying to criticize others and there are rare works reviewing themselves. However, Ye Fu carefully examines himself from his education in the childhood, his cruel inner personalities, to his bizarre story about the family.
