한국의 독립책방 스토리지북앤필름의 이야기 : 책을 만들고, 책방을 운영하며, 페어, 팟캐스트까지, 여러가지의 일들을 하는 책방 이야기
I run an independent bookstore called Storagebookandfilm, and I take street photos using a film camera. I was working as a banker, and by chance, I started an independent publication, and now I run a bookstore.
獨立書店Storagebookandfilm兩間店面分別位於首爾市的解放村和厚岩洞,從2008年開始營運,推介銷售各式各樣的獨立出版品。同時製作書籍,並主辦獨立書展Seoul Publishers Table。另有Podcast節目《小口袋》,傾聽獨立出版、獨立書店,以及努力打造自有品牌的人們,暢談他們的故事。
Storagebookandfilm is an independent bookstore operating in Haebangchon and Huam-dong, Seoul. Since 2008, we have been introducing and selling various independent publications. We also produce our own books and host the independent publishing fair <Seoul Publisher's Table>. We also run a podcast called <Small Pocket> where we listen to and share stories from independent publishers, independent bookstores, and people who are running their own brands.
第3フェーズ到来 日本のひとり出版社の今
編輯工作者。曾任美術雜誌及兒童書出版社編輯,2014年起成為自由工作者,主要從事童書編輯、採訪撰稿,並擔任大學講師。2018年所採訪撰寫的日本獨立出版社訪談集《一個人大丈夫:微型出版的工作之道》,由「柳橋小鹿」在臺翻譯出版,並榮獲當年度OPENBOOK好書獎「美好生活書」獎項。目前亦獨立經營個人出版社「月與Compass」 。
After working as an editor for art magazines and children's book, she became a freelancer in 2014. She edits books, mainly children's books, writes investigative articles, and works as a university lecturer. In 2018, a collection of interviews she conducted with independent Japanese publishers was translated and published in Taiwan which won the OPENBOOK Book Awards. She is currently active as a one-man publishing company called "The Moon and the Compass."
An independent publisher specializing in picture books and art books. The first book, a collection of illustrations by Kohei Kondo, was published in 2020. In 2024, the second book, "I’m Right Here" by Shizuka, was released. The publisher was selected as one of twelve noteworthy independent publishers in Japan by JBBY and the Japan Foundation, being introduced at the Bologna Children's Book Fair. This book received the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Award at the 57th Japan Book Design Awards, and it is scheduled to be displayed at "the Best Book Design from all over the World" competition and the Frankfurt Book Fair, held in Germany, in 2025.
台法對話:與法國資深編輯Philippe Thiollier共同探索新視野
France-Taïwan : vers de nouveaux horizons, avec Philippe Thiollier, éditeur
主講:Philippe Thiollier(法國)
Philippe Thiollier於2013年,從父母親手中接過他們在七零年代初期成立的書店L’Asiathèque,在此之前他從事電影製作(至今依舊是他工作之餘的愛好)。他在1967年於阿富汗出生,當時他的父親任職法國大使館,因此他在國外(越南、柬埔寨、寮國、馬來西亞)度過了他的童年歲月。他的父母Alain Thiollier和Christiane Thiollier作為李維史陀(Lévi-Strauss)和安德烈·勒魯瓦·古爾漢(Leroi-Gourhan)的追隨者,偏愛謝閣蘭(Victor Segalen)的一句名言:「正是在差異之中,在多樣性之中,存在才得以升華。」他覺得自己很幸運,能夠浸潤在這樣一個面向各國文化且充滿各種疑問與思考的環境中,而他將他今天實踐的這份職業,看作是對自己這段精彩經歷的致意。
Philippe Thiollier took over the management of L’Asiathèque in 2013, following his parents who founded the publishing house in the early 1970s. Before that, he had a career in film production (an activity he continues when time allows). Born in Afghanistan in 1967, while his father was posted to the French Embassy, he spent periods of his youth abroad (Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia). His parents, Alain and Christiane Thiollier, disciples of Lévi-Strauss and Leroi-Gourhan, liked to quote Victor Segalen: “It is through Difference, and in Diversity, that existence is exalted.” "He feels it is a privilege to have been immersed in an environment open to the cultures of the world and rich in multiple questions and he sees in the work he is doing today, a part of homage to this journey that he was lucky enough to experience.
L’Asiathèque是一家擁有五十年歷史的出版社,專注於世界各國的文化和語言,包含外國文學、散文隨筆、遊記,以及語言學習的工具書。近期更積極開拓多種不同的書系:「Liminaires」(開場);「80 mots du monde」(關於世界各國的80個關鍵字),並即將出版80 mots de Taiwan(《關於台灣的80個關鍵字》);中國小說書系「Novella de Chine」,最新出版的作品為夏茄的《你無法抵達的時間》;台灣小說書系「 Taiwan Fiction 」,目前已翻譯出版紀大偉的《膜》、吳明益的《天橋上的魔術師》、李昂的《鴛鴦春膳》等;中國詩文書系「Empreintes chinoises」(華人印跡),目前已出版François Cheng(程抱一)的詩集Nuit de lune et de fleur sur le fleuve printanier(《春江花月夜》)等。L’Asiathèque同時也是一間位於巴黎11區的獨立書店。
L’Asiathèque is a fifty-year-old publishing house specializing in world cultures and languages. Its catalog includes foreign literature, in French and bilingual, essays, travel stories, and language learning books. Several new collections have recently been developed: “Liminaires” (Une tablette aux ancêtres, Lettres d’Ogura, etc.); “80 mots du monde” (80 words from South Korea, 80 words from Vietnam, etc., and soon: 80 words from Taiwan); “Novella de Chine” (latest publication: Ton temps hors d’attaque by Xia Jia); “Taiwan Fiction” (Membrane by Chi Ta-wei, Le Magicien sur la passerelle by Wu-Ming-yi, Le Banquet aphrodisiaque by Li Ang, etc.); “Empreintes chinoises” (Retrouver son cœur by Cédric Laurent, Nuit de lune et de fleur sur le fleuve springanier by François Cheng, etc.). L’Asiathèque is also a bookstore in the 11th arrondissement of Paris.
버릴 수 있는 것과 버릴 수 없는 것: 서울퍼블리셔스테이블과 230개 독립출판 제작팀이 지난 4년간 지켜온 것들과 바꿔온 것들
從事書籍和海報等印刷品,以及網頁、品牌等不同型態的設計。從新冠肺炎開始的2020年,到2023年為止共四年,負責營運韓國最大的獨立書展Seoul Publishers Table,2024年重新交由Storagebookandfilm主辦。現今在梨泰院經營十五人常駐規模的共享辦公室Suntree House,喜歡嘗試新事物、接受各種刺激。
Does various designs, including publications such as books, posters, web, and branding. Ran the largest independent publishing book fair in Korea, <Seoul Publishers Table>, for four years from 2020 during the COVID period until last year. Currently, have transferred the event back to Storagebookandfilm and are operating Suntree House, a shared office space for 15 people in Itaewon, where many designers, including book designers and brand designers, reside. Like trying new things and accepting various stimuli.
A design studio founded in Rotterdam in 2019. It began with the desire to create a new path through design in the life that is entangled in financial income tax, comprehensive real estate tax, and various taxes.
1980年出生,書籍策劃人,身兼NUMABOOKS代表董事、Value Books(バリューブックス)董事,並為書店「本屋B&B」共同經營者、「日記屋月日」負責人,此外,亦擔任東京下北澤社區營造公司「散歩社」代表董事。著有《未來書店入門》(暫譯,これからの本屋読本,NHK出版)、《書的逆襲》(暫譯, 本の逆襲,NHK出版)等書。目前於東京下北澤及長野縣御代田兩地生活。
Born in 1980. Book coordinator. CEO of NUMABOOKS Co., Ltd. and director of Value Books Co., Ltd. As a co-owner of the new book store "Bookstore B&B" and owner of "Diary Store Tsukibi", he is engaged in various book-related jobs. He also serves as CEO of Sanposha Co., Ltd., a town development company in Shimokitazawa, Tokyo. His works include "Bookstore Reader of the Future" (NHK Publishing) and "Book Counterattack" (Asahi Publishing). He currently lives in two locations: Shimokitazawa, Tokyo and Miyota, Nagano.
NUMABOOKS is a team that puts into practice the future of books and bookstores. While running the new book store "Bookstore B&B" in Shimokitazawa, Tokyo and the publishing company "NUMABOOKS", we also produces, directs, consults, and selects books for various projects related to books and bookstores.
여성혐오 사회에 페미니즘 책을!
Publisher and editor. She started a feminist publishing house after realizing that she has to resist structural sexism if she wants to live without humiliating herself.
baume à l'âme is a feminist publishing company in korea. Started in 2016 publishing "Reclaim the language: how to deal with a sexist". baume à l'âme has published books on abortion rights, surrogacy, the history of korean feminism, and the record of a victim of sexual crime, all to promote awareness of sexism and fight against misogyny.