City Living Guide 城市生活指引 #1-7
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City Living Guide #1 De-Stress After Work 抒壓 03/2018
“Reset Your Tensed Emotion Every Day”
We are stressed every day because of work, family or daily troubles. It is important to de-stress after work! This mini-guide gives you some ideas to relief your pressure. “Reset" your tensed emotion to welcome a new day.
City Living Guide #2 Low-cost Enjoyment 低消費好生活 06/2018
“Enjoying Life is Not So Expensive”
In media, we found lots of ways of entertainment, which are in fact promotion of merchants. Those cost you money, money, money. This mini-guide introduces some ideas of low-cost enjoyment. It is possible to live well with little money.
City Living Guide #3 Office Survival 辦公室求生法 08/2018
“Self-protection is the First Step to Success”
Office is a battlefield. Even you want to stay peaceful, your colleagues, other departments, management… may not think like that! This mini-guide brings you some ideas about self-protection. Promotion depends on your talent, but first you need to survive in workplace.
City Living Guide #4 Commute Without Phone 通勤不滑手機 02/2019
“Life is Full of Options”
While commuting, every one sticks heavily on mobile phone. We even feel anxious when it is out of battery or connection is poor! Maybe you want to kill time or avoid eye-contacts, this mini-guide suggests some ideas to commute without phone. Our world is more than a tiny screen!
City Living Guide #5 Single Romance 一個人的浪漫 07/2019
“Romance is a State of Mind”
Maybe your lover is not available tonight. Maybe your Mr. / Miss right is not yet found. You can still enjoy romance on your own! This mini guide suggest some simple methods to have a romantic time. Relax your mind with love!
City Living Guide #6 Sleepless Night 失眠 10/2020
“Stay Strong. Stay Healthy.”
Staring the ceiling for a long time. It’s a sleepless night again…. In the city, there are many tiny troubles stressing us. It is difficult to fall asleep even we are exhausted already. How to spend the sleepless night? This mini guide provides some ideas to relax yourself. Good Night! :)
翻來覆去,又睡不著了……在城市裡,生活鎖事、工作鳥事,有時候雖然已很累了,但還是失眠。漫漫長夜,要怎麼辦呢?本小書給你一些點子,希望能幫助你放鬆下來,晚安 :)
City Living Guide #7 Wake Up! Wake Up! 醒來!醒來! 04/2023
“A Time to Sleep and a Time to Awake”
Endless tasks, but limited energy. Caffeine is less and less effective. Oh no! The work is not yet finished but it’s too sleepy. This mini-guide suggest you the ways to regain energy. Wake up!